
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Shelf Talker Contest

One of my library centers is a shelf talker contest. I set up a table with an "I Can" sign (see example below), blank (unlined) 4 by 6 cards, pencils, and colored pencils, crayons, and markers.
I collect the entries for a couple of weeks. Then some of my book fair volunteers help me judge the entries. I award book fair posters to the winners, and sometimes I give book fair pencils as participation prizes, to students who followed the rules but just didn't show the artistic ability that the winners did.
Here's what my "I Can" sign looks like.

Book Fair Poster Contest

I Can:

1.    Think about a book in our library that I really like.
2.    Make a small poster about the book. Use words AND illustrations.
3.    On the back, write my name and homeroom.
4.    Give the small poster to my librarian by Friday, _________________________.
5.    I might win a FREE poster from the book fair!

[I glue an example to the bottom of the "I Can" chart to give them an idea of what an excellent finished product should look like.]
Try it!
Give this center a try, and you'll be amazed at what your students create! Your school library will become more colorful, social, and inviting!


  1. I love this idea. I have done bookmark contests before but I like the idea of the completed shelf talkers making my library more inviting. I think it helps give the students ownership of the library too, maybe the section of shelves with the shelf talker will stay in nice shape!

    Okle in Tampa

  2. I hadn't even thought about that fringe benefit (more student ownership), but you're absolutely right!

  3. I am a junior high librarian and I am going to use this idea! Love it! Thank you.
