Student engagement...that's what library centers are all about! My friend and school district colleague Terri Eichholz blogs at Engage Their Minds, and she called my attention to this alphabet.
The 26 keys to Student Engagement...
As we plan for the new school year, this is a great tool for reflection. Which of these 26 aspects of student engagement are already part of your library routine? Which letter is a challenge that you're willing to tackle this year?
I think one area that I haven't focused on is "O" for "Outside." I think that when we talk to students about their outside interests, we can connect with them in more meaningful ways. It's hard to find make time for these conversations, isn't it?
But, overall, the alphabet of student engagement is encouraging. So many of these keys are met with library centers! If you are just beginning to implement learning centers in your school library, begin here on my Getting Started page.
(And, if you're following me on Instagram--myschoollibrary--you know that I'm at Disney World this week, gathering inspiration for my library Environment to be filled with Joy!)
Hey, thanks for the mention! Hope you are enjoying your trip!